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Actually, with the granddaughter, I was undergoing what I had taught for years and had known with other persons, but not at this powerful an aspect. This expression of connection seemed to be subtle, yet was felt strongly in and upon the physical body; usually the connection remains, for me, more inwardly subtle. This felt like a subtle lightening storm, both inside and outside the body, though such appears a contradiction. How can one undergo a subtle lightening storm? My only response is in Oneness, Oneness can manifests as Oneness chooses to manifests, and Oneness is infinite, so capable of manifesting a oneness of the union of apparent opposites. Surely, one sign of a spiritual connection is it leaves you unable to express it, and, oft, it needs to remain unspoken to anyone, at least for a time, only private to you gifted with the unveiling.
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With the arrival of the social worker, the connection continued with the granddaughter, now with a sense of my mind addressing two different and disparate energy levels, one gross, person-with-person, one, as prior, subtle-with-subtle, possibly better simply subtle, for oneness. I continued to notice that I could barely speak when addressing the young granddaughter, as though personal expression of consciousness was not permitted inside the holy of holies of this togetherness-in-unity. When I spoke to the social worker, no such experience was present, the sharing was at a self-with-self level. So, this was like moving from one frequency of energy, much lower, to another, much higher. This was not a bad thing, so to speak, but there was a sense of disappointment that the single-pointedness was not able to remain, due to the incoming of the social worker.
Now, one could inquire, "Was the experience the same for the young lady?" I cannot say that. I sense persons can meet and have a totally different experience of connection, even one at a low frequency of sharing, so gross, and the other at a high, so subtle, one. If I could speak with that granddaughter now, she might be totally surprised at what I say happened that day. She might have shared a like experience, however, and know so. Regardless, the connection can only happen spirit-with-spirit; spiritual connection never occurs self-with-self, personality-with-personality. As well, sensitivity to and understanding of connection when it happens will differ among us. So, even an understanding of what happened can change over time, as one is able to see more into the connection that happened. The connection lives on as itself in withinness, yet mind is influenced in time for readiness to accept what happened at increasing degrees of understanding, understanding itself subject to the flux of time in seeing into a timeless happening.